Q. Why is it my dog does all his commands at home, but when we're outside he looks at me like he has never heard the word "sit" before?

A. At home you're the only show in town but outside there are a multitude of distractions…things to smell, people, dogs, squirrels, etc. When you are in a new environment re-teach the exercise from the beginning. Practice on every walk.

Q. What do I do if my dog has a housetraining accident when I'm not looking?

A. Absolutely NOTHING. Your dog will have no idea why she's being reprimanded. She may look guilty because dogs are very sensitive and pick up on subtle cues we may not realize we're giving.

Q. I really want my dog to bond to me. Should I get a puppy?

A. No. There are many reasons to get a young puppy but bonding is definitely not one of them. Puppies love everyone. An adult rescue dog knows he's been rescued and will cling to you like velcro. Make sure you have the time to dedicate to a dog or puppy before adopting.
Puppies have higher training and exercise needs so plan to spend a lot time outside regardless of the weather. Older dogs need structure to get them through the transition and rebuild their confidence.

Please send in your questions and Lydia DesRoche of Sit Stay dog training will be happy to respond.

Lydia DesRoche
Sit Stay dog training